UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-03-22 ======================================== Attendance: =========== Present: -------- - [FVP] Felix von Perger (President) - [MPT] James Arcus (Vice-President) - [MSX] Melissa Star (Secretary) - [THA] Tom Hill Almeida (Treasurer) - [420] Albert Smith (Fresher Rep) - [TEC] Timothy Chapman (OCM) - [DBA] David Adams (OCM) Not on committee: [NTU], [TBB] Late: ----- - [JGM] James Myburgh at 15:16 Mentioned: ---------- [LDT], [TRS], [CFE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting opened at 15:11PM ## Motions by circular - [FVP] Motion to reimburse [TBB] $97.00 for drinks run from the 21st February 2019 - Passed, 7 in favour - [FVP] Motion to budget $550 to purchase https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/183541792254 - Passed, 5 in favour - [FVP] Motion to budget $7 per person up to 12 people ($84 total) for pizza for "How to UCC" talk (5pm) - Not passed, 4 in favour - [FVP] Motion to budget $7 per person up to 12 people ([EDIT: was $140] total $84) to provide pizza for Roland's 3D printer tech talk - Not passed, 4 in favour ## Confirmation of minutes from 2019-03-15. - Confirmed subject to update by [MSX] to record procedure for the vote re Felix. Discussion: - President suggested he would be bitter if not reimbursed. Committee suggested President being bitter was a natural part of being President at UCC. - Melissa unable to publish minutes from website apparently due to lack of permissions on UCC equipment. May need committee user group, and if that doesn't work, webmaster and sprocket. Resolutions: - To accept last meeting minutes subject to update by Melissa confirming quorum, time, and that Felix left the room for vote re what would happen following wheel incident. Committee Reports ================= ## President's Report - Less hectic than last week. Drafted some resolution changes. - Quite happy with the attendance at the 3d printer event. Big thanks to Roland. - Working on the sysadmin workshops with [TRS] and [CFE]. Going well. ## Vice President's Report - Has more time to spend at UCC now. - 3D Printer workshop was a success. Enjoyed it. We should have more. ## Secretary's Report - New UCS 220 server. Has arrived at my place, and will be brought over most likely this weekend. - New SSDs - Very heavy workload at uni. But starting to ease off. ## Treasurer's Report - Now on wheel. - Reminder to Felix that I am treasurer, not VP. - Will remind weekly reminders until next AGM - Can math. Westpac given correct amount of money. - We have money. We still have money. We may need to use cash reserve. - Treasurer Training completed. - Will keep a track of how much money is lost to surcharge from Square. - Perhaps we should on-charge surcharge to UCC members using Square - About $3,500 in Guild Account => Good interest rate. - About $2,700 in Westpac Spending, $43 in Master Card, $3,500 in Mastercard. - Wants financial prudence. ## Fresher Rep's Report ## OCM Reports - [DBA]: - UAnime needs to be sorted out as they need monitors today. - Attempted to post an event on Facebook for movie night. - List of reasons to resign is slowly compiling. OGM may be needed. - Looking at collaboration with makers. Effort into 3D printer resources. - Where do our priorities lie? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine Technical Reports ========================= ## Servers - Mostly recovered by power failure (e.g. Maltair controller is in HBA mode but not booting from it yet). - THREE new servers - Two IBM x3550 M4s in the clubroom, one Cisco UCS 200 on its way. - Website is down. - Ashera networking now configured correctly, working OK - Motion to budget up to $100 for SATA card for new HP maltair (2 port internal), 6 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstain. ## Network - Working OK ## Desktops - Christmas and Catfish now have m.2 SSDs. ## Misc. - One of the webcams needs new cabling. - Nothing done yet with illuminati.org.au for e-mail addresses. - *heated discussion ensues* - (... 45 minutes later ...) - For keeping: - Element that is accessible to UCC members. - Potentially provide motivation to join UCC to obtain such privileges - Highly popular in Cameron Hall - Drive membership up - Create mailing list of students - Financial asset that potentially holds value - Against keeping: - NTU was hurt when it came up in the middle of an argument about people saying they can't do stuff - Connection to UCC: hosting, domain registration, done by a member - Negative image of the club - MSX: Committee's indecisiveness, it causes personal embarrassment, effectively vote of no confidence - MPT: why do we need to decide now? - things need due consideration, let's wait a week - [MSX] Motion to transfer illuminati.org.au to another nonprofit association. - Meeting adjourned for 5 minutes. - [JGM] Motion to defer the discussion to next week. - Seconded - Motion fails, 1:2:4 - [MSX] Motion to support previous week's decision, with emphasis on MSX using the domain in a positive manner. - See other discussion. - [MSX] Motion to allow MSX to transfer the domain to an unrelated nonprofit organisation, UniSFA first preference. - Seconded - Motion fails, 3:2:2 - MSX leaves 17:04 - [JGM] Motion to adjourn meeting for 5 minutes and relocate, 17:01 - seconded - unanimous - [TEC] leaves 17:01 - Meeting reconvenes on Oak Lawn, 17:25. [FVP] taking minutes. - Note from [FVP]: due to bad wifi, local copy of this document was made, then later accidentally deleted. - Everything past this point was lost. Some of it was reconstructed from memory. - Minutes are thus incomplete. Oops. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New equipment ============= - M.2 1TB SSDs for Christmas and Catfish - [Cisco UCS C220 M3 server](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/183541792254) - purchased, arrived in Perth, will be unpacked and installed shortly. - Rack rails for [MSX]'s ashera - 2 "new" IBM x3550 M4 servers - Thanks to Stott and Hoare for the generous donation - Thanks to [TRS] for bringing them in - Sincerely hope they don't die on us like the last two. Drinks and Snacks ================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External Entities ================= ## Mail ## Guild/SOC - Cleanup on Saturday went well, Tenancy "inspection" on Thursday did too - Next SOC meeting is 10th April 2019, probably Alexander LT ## Other Affairs - Data Science Club has been affiliated. - [DBA] can do collaboration with Makers - UWAnime stealing our monitors Events ====== ## Fresher Welcome - Anyone want to write a handover guide / "how to run" for this event? - otherwise [FVP] will do it... eventually. - TODO: [MPT] write handover document ## Tech talks - Good attendance at 3D printer workshop. - [FVP] please reimburse me $74.25 for pizza - Motion passed, 1 abstain ## Vive nights - [GIR] ## Movie nights - Nothing happened on the 20th - Ideas for next film? ## Camp - [FVP], [MPT] - Check EMP & RMP from last year, submit ASAP - Collaborative event with ComSSA? - ComSSA isn't interested - Maybe we can still do marketing with them - Need posters. - Need receipt for deposit. ## Dine Below the Line - Potential new Cameron Hall event - in conjunction with "Live Below the Line" to raise money for charity - run an event with $2 per person catering - UniSFA may be interested ## Cameron Hall Quiz Night - [THA], [JGM] - Budget was presented - Budget was approved unanimously - Subcommittee regulations were approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Items from 2019-03-15 ============================ - [FVP] Submit EMP for Vive Nights - [JGM] Facebook events for tech talks - done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Business ================ - Read and approve regulations - [FVP] has proposed changes: http://frekk.ucc.asn.au/frekk-regs.diff.html - Existing regulations were approved Current Action Items ==================== - [FVP] Submit EMPs for Vive Nights - [MPT] Write handover document for Fresher Welcome - [DBA] Advertising of Sysadmin workshop. - [MSX] Setup meeting reminder - [MSX] Update previous meeting minutes as to Felix left room prior to vote. - [MPT] Need to follow up on constitutional changes. - probably some more, [FVP] forgot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Minutes uploaded by [FVP] at 22:14 on 2019-04-03*