UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-07-02 Attendees: [CHS], [EAR], [DJF], [SOS], [AMS], [MMM], [SAS] Apologies: [BLZ] Meeting opened 1343 Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting - Minutes were only pushed this morning - Sorry about that - Also there were issues, the email contatined incomplete minutes - Please check the archive on the website for full minutes ##President's Report - Spent the last few days at Rottnest - Will spend the next few days at Unigames camp - After that I should have a heck of a lot more time ##Education Report - [TBB] absent, it's his first shift - 3D Printer Tech talk to be held in ~1-2 weeks - Need date confirmation before advertising ##Social Report - CS:GO teams are still happening - High commitment team is meeting tommorrow afternoon - Mid is active but not next week - [DJF] was actioned low commit but it hasn't been organised yet ##Treasurer's Report - Did a drinks run, I want my money - Masterblaster: Sixty six dollars and thirty nine cents. - Cheque it before you wreque it: Five thousand, three hundred and twenty seven dollars and twenty four cents. - Talk cash get bashed: Five cents. - Quiz night earnings have been finalised - apparently finalised ages ago - $211.19 profit per club ##Secretary's Report - [BLZ] absent - [BLZ] resigns and everyone rejoices - [DJF]: I put in "and everyone rejoices" - [CHS]: too soon - [BLZ] to send an email out to committee@ to resign - A general meeting will be called, likely to be held Semester 2, Week 1, Tuesday - To be continued.... - Find out on the next episode of UCCMITTEE2016 - Will [AMS] actually get around to marrying [*OX]? ##Fresher Rep's Report - Fresher than Lynx Africa - Pizza night tonight - [SOS] running as per normal - Straight oughta pizza ##Machine Technical Reports ###Servers - Molmol - Samba on Molmol has been upgraded from 4.1 to 4.4.3 - Hopefully will bring end to some of the problems - Big thanks to [DAA] for this ###Network - Working ###Desktops - New desktop machine - If you didn't read the minutes last week, committee bought a new machine - (it was cheap) - Will be delivered to UCC midway though next week, probably > Committee derails - [DJF]: They're not called sikh temples, they're called hospitals ##New equipment - Not yet ##Drinks and Snacks - [DJF] did one - he did a singular drinks and snacks - without snacks - Probably need chips - At some point too, we'll do a big run for camp and UCC - Last time we went to Campbells, there was some issue - [DJF] to resolves Campbells now ##External Affairs ###Mail - Secretary gave up ###Guild/SOC - [DJF]: in Guild/SHOE - Nothing here ###Other Entities - Red Bull - Red Bull is interested in running an event with UCC for UWA - Competitive videogame screening - Big stuff - [CHS] to get Soc portfolio in contact with Red Bull ##Events - 3D Printer Tech Talk - Date to be confirmed - Event to be made and advertised - Shadowrun LARP - July 9th - [CHS] to build hype for this - UCC Camp - [SAS] printing poster after Maccas run now - [MMM] to help [SAS] out with camp admin > [SOS] leaves to sell legal drugs to pensioners ##Action Items - [TBB] to consider curtains for the loft - Absent, probably ongoing - [BLZ] to email the lists regarding HTC Vive interest - Special projects grant due 5th August - Absent, ongoing - [CHS] to follow up with ACNC application - 10 days now, will follow up with soon if no reply - [CHS] to look into router specs - Ongoing - [CHS] & [TBB] to look into shirts - Ongoing - [BLZ] to email ucc@ about clubroom cleanliness - Absent, ongoing - [BLZ] to wikify eggman - Absent, ongoing - [SAS] to sort out UWAnime wifi - Ongoing - [CHS]/[TBB] to contact security - Ongoing - [CHS] to follow up with internal review of committee - Ongoing - [AMS] to look into which machines need more space - Ongoing - AoC to look into purchases for desktop machines - [CHS]: as of 13th of May minutes; - [DJF]: 4x Speakers - [CHS]: 2x Mice - [AMS]: ?x Harddrives - [BLZ]: 2x Screens - [DJF] to get CSGO low commitment team going - Ongoing - Projector globe to be priced up by [BLZ] - The globe didn't actually blow - It hit 3000hrs of use - Mitsibushi was making us replace it - Timer was reset by punching the konami code into the projector - (more or less) - Thanks to [TFD] and [GOZ] for troubleshooting this - Still, a globe needs to be purchased and left in the machine room - Ongoing - [JMA] to deal with cockgrunter, it's starting to be a nuisance - Probably ongoing General Business ---------------- - Nothing for general business meeting closed 1458 Minutes uploaded by [BLZ] at 18:11 on 2016-07-02