UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-05-31 Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting - [BLZ]: [CHS] pushed the minutes prematurely - Oops - [BLZ] to learn how to fix minutes ##President's Report - [CHS] was pretty busy, but still did things - Finally submitted ACNC application - Takes up to 28 days to process, maybe we'll have free Windows keys then(ish) - Went to Incorporations Info Session (sort of) - See other entities ##Education Report ##Social Report - [EAR] is absent, sent [CHS] his report: - Mid-commit happened last week - Went how I expected for the first time - High-commit is a work in progress - Hopefully happening tomorrow - Pizza night was RIP because of panto - Is happening tonight - [MMM]: LoL / Dota teams are being considered because of their popularity - Currently discussing with [EAR] - So far, CSGO has been a decent success ##Treasurer's Report - holla holla getting cents on tha dolla - MasterCard $22.86 - Everyday $4714.39 - Guild: 404, balance not found ##Secretary's Report - Checked the mail - Played some Overwatch - [DJF] and [JMA] thinks it will be a dead game - Prove them wrong - Quitting smoking for realzies this time - ~3 weeks until no smoke - Everyone is looking forward to a nicer smelling secretary - Even [BLZ] - [CHS]: congratulations ##Fresher Rep's Report - Still fresh - Pizza night had to be moved to this friday - Not enough people wanted pizza - Overwatch is apparently better than pizza - Is gyming - Surprisingly muscle - Is polish - [BLZ]: Damn immigants, taking our committee positions ##Machine Technical Reports ###Servers - Servitors acknowledge the acknowledgement in last meetings minutes - Temporarily appeased - molmol troubles again on Thursday - Caused massive disruption in the clubroom - All linux machines broke, Windows machines half broke - Hard reboot by [TPG] has seemed to fix everything - (by the next day) - (Most machines needed at least 1 reboot) - Temporary profiles are becoming more common again - RIP ###Network - Have been comments in the clubroom about how much slower wifi is than ethernet - Is our router outdated? - [CHS] to look into ###Desktops - See above - Potential GPU Problems with Combtail - Happened on Thursday - Seemed to clear itself up after molmol was fixed and machine was rebooted - *shrug* ##New equipment ##Drinks and Snacks - Heaps of drinks - Heaps of snacks - Except maybe chocolate, people want chocolate in the machine - [CHS] maybe doing a Cash and Carry run tonight with his brother for UCC - Will buy chocolate and consumables ##External Affairs ###Mail - Checked - 404 ###Guild/SOC ###Other Entities - Incorporations Info Session - [CHS] attended - Arrived late (traffic, parking, was locked out of the building, etc.) - Left early (had to go to work, was late for work anyway) - Still picked up a printout of the presentation slides and an information pack - Stuff mentioned in the time when I was there: - Member database no longer needs to be physical - Can't use the database to advertise to members (?) - Unsure about this one - Committee member required to leave meetings when you have a personal interest in an outcome of a committee decision - Previously, disclosure of interests was only neccesary for financial gain - Now required for personal material gain too - Members must be given a copy of the rules when they join (?) - A bunch of stuff needs to be added to our constitution next AGM - Some of the things: - Circumstances of payment to committee out of the organisations funds - (I think we've covered this, unsure) - A procedure for dealing with disputes - Between members; or - Between members and the incorporated association - This is gross - There's now an indepedent body to resolve disputes regarding incorporations - We may want this situation in which we turn to this in our constitution - Manner for dealing with surplus property - There's new rules regarding this, haven't had time to read them - Seems like a good chance to check that our constitution fulfils all previous continuing requirements too - Overall, some good things, and some things which require a bit of effort - The information pack is in my pigeonhole if people want to read it ##Events - Pizza Night - Tonight! - Sherlock Holmes and the Pilfered Pizza - Tech talks - [CHS]: Did anyone ever catch up with Dave Cake? - Cameron Hall LARP - EMP has been approved - Another subcommittee meeting is this Monday - Camp - In progress ##Action Items - Polo Shirts to be looked into [CHS], [TBB] - Ongoing - [AMS] and [CHS] to reply to email and attend - Ongoing - [BLZ] to email ucc@ about clubroom cleanliness - [BLZ] to wikify eggman - [SAS] to sort out UWAnime wifi - [CHS] to contact security - hahaha - Ongoing - [CHS] to follow up with internal review of committee - Haven't found time for this yet - Ongoing - [AMS] to look into which machines need more space/Corvo problems - AoC to look into purchases for desktop machines - [BLZ]: I forgot what purchases in particular - The minutes need more information - [CHS]: as of 13th of May minutes; - 4x Speakers - 2x Mice - ??x Harddrives - Everything else was deemed unnecesary - Screens were not discussed on the day - Committee to discuss rightabout now: - Currently there are 2 screens in regluar use with srs burn-in General Business ---------------- - [*OX]: ban a certain videogame every day - [CHS]: I am suprisingly in support of this - Mostly because its punny - eg. CS:NO day - NOverwatch - NOTA 2 - HearthSTOP - League of LegEND - TF2 - The joke is that its already dead, doesn't need banning - hahahaha - haha ha - [*OX]: lololol - ha - That's 5 games, (not including TF2) one for each day of the weeek - Reconsideration of recent door members - Door policy requires 2/3 of all committee (regardless of how many are present) to approve any door applications - As (hopefully) everyone is at the meeting right now, recent door applications should be reconsidered without requiring reapplication - [RAA]'s door application Minutes uploaded by [BLZ] at 11:19 on 2016-05-31