University Computer Club Ordinary General Meeting, 2015-10-20 ============================================================= Attendees: [GOZ], [EJK], [TJB], [CHS], [AMS], [HTL], [BG3], [JDN], [ACP], [*OX], [BOB], [HTL], [TPG], [TBB], [MLG], [GEE], [BOJ], [SAS], [JAB], [thesimplebard] [TFD] Meeting opened at 13:14 ###Nominations of returning officers - [GOZ] nominates [SAS] as a returning officer - [TPG] seconds, the motion passes - [BG3] nominates [*OX] as a returning officer - [CHS] seconds, the motion passes - [GOZ] yields the chair to the returning officers Election of New President ------------------------- ###Nominations - [CHS] nominates [BG3] - [AMS] seconds, [BG3] accepts - [TBB] nominates [AMS] for prez - [CHS] sconds, [AMS] accepts - [MLG] nominates herself - [CHS] seconds - [GOZ] nominates [EJK] - [BOB] seconds, [EJK] accepts ###Speeches - [BG3]'s Speech - Most of you should know me, and if you don't, I was president last year - The thing most people wonder about my availability for president is my free time, but I spent an hour at Bunnings yesterday because I had nothing to do at home - [AMS]'s Speech - I feel UCC needs a strong president, I also plan to run next year - Plan to spend the next 3 months getting learning the ropes to be in a strong position - [MLG]'s Speech - Plans to lead the club closer aligned to their mission statements/goals - Wants to achieve this as president next year, but it's better to get started now - [EJK]'s Speech - As president I would bring commitment to the club - Plan to get wheelchair access to Cameron hall - A strong committee is a committee that works together well, and I can achieve that ###Questions - [SAS]: How much time is available for you to dedicate to the club? - [BG3] Can commit 30 hours a week - [AMS] Practically all of my time, besides uni work - [MLG] No committments besides sleeping, eating and uni - [EJK] Uni and a part time job, everything after that can go to the club - [BOB]: If you dont get president, will you run again next year? - [BG3] Yes, I'll run for president, otherwise Ed vp/officer - [AMS] Definitely, I'd like somewhere in exec - [MLG] Will definitely run wherever possible next year - [EJK] Yes, I'll run again next year, if not president, then Ed - [SAS]: Plans for club events? - [BG3]: Plan more events for next year and their success - [AMS]: [LDA] and [EAR] are success stories in the sense they asked members what events they wanted, plan to do the same as it clearly worked - [MLG]: Look into making sure we have quality events, prioritising quality over quantity - [EJK]: Build on the existing successes of events this year - [BOB]: Do you use IRC for UCC? - [BG3]: Yes - [AMS]: Knows how, doesn't use it - [MLG]: Knows how, doesn't use it - [EJK]: Uses it when she has something to ask IRC, but not often - [SAS]: What will you change in the clubroom? - [BG3]: Committee to pull together, bring club back to big objective (ED) - [AMS]: Rubbish (become the hitler) - [MLG]: Gamers > Knowledge of the tech they're using - [EJK]: Changes to door policy, tighter committee, maximising club satisfaction with those policies - [*OX]: What's the clubs next big necessary purchase? - [BG3]: Linux machines, possibly Murasoi - [AMS]: Every Linux machine needs to be replaced - [MLG]: Linux machines, also the new mac - [EJK]: Linux machines, all desktops functional, would have said new robotnik but it's already been purchased - [BG3]: What experience have you had managing groups of people? - [AMS] has run multiple RPG campaigns - [MLG] has run a fencing club in the past - [BG3] has run committee in the past - [EJK] has been on committee ###Voting - Secret ballot requested - Votes collected, returning officers leave to count votes > [ACP] leaves - Returning officers return - Congratulations to Mitchell Pomery [BG3], elected as president for the remainder of the 2015 term Election of OCM --------------- ###Nominations - [JAB] nominates [MLG] - [TBB] seconds - [TBB] nominates by [EJK] - [AMS] seconds - [TJB] nominates [TPG] - [CHS] seconds - [BG3] nominates [BOB] - [HTL] seconds ###Question - How available will you be for meetings? - [BOB]: Will be able to attend with a changed meeting time - [MLG]: Already attends meetings - [TPG]: is as flexible as an elastic band - [TBB]: Is flexible, will be able to attend ###Voting - Candidates leave room for counting of votes - Candidates return after votes are counted - Congratulations to Alfred Burgess [TBB], elected as OCM Rest of Meeting --------------- - Chair passed back to outgoing president > [EJK] leaves ###General Business - [*OX] moves the club budgets $100 for the purchase of Pizza - [TFD] seconds - Motion fails Members thank [GOZ] for his time on committee Meeting closed at 1:52