UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2000-06-01 Attendance: o Ben Rampling o Anil Sharma o Duncan Sargeant o Grahame Bowland o James Andrewartha o Nick Bannon o Bryden Quirk Meeting opened: 5:50pm President's report: Most people are here without apologies - this is crap. Banked $311 dollars. Paid Nick for coke run, have money for Leighton's boss. Vice-president: Absent. Treasurer: Absent. Secretary: Doesn't seem to have checked mail. Machine reports: Axolotyl has a dodgy fan. Dunc fixed it. The IPX is fixed, thanks James :-) General business: [GMB] moves we give Alastair $200 to buy coke. Seconded by by Anil, passed without dissent. [GMB] moves that we spend $100 on prizes for an electronics competition. Thanks to John West for the idea and details! [GMB] will organise advertising around E&EE. Passed without dissent. Meeting closed: 6:07pm