UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-07-14 ======================================== - We need committee Attendance ========== - \[TEC\] - \[PQZ\] - \[GMB\] - \[MPT\] Apologies ========= - \[MLG\] filled in the whenisgood - \[BRD\] on holiday Absent ====== - \[AAA\] - \[HET\] - Please fill in the whenisgood Other Attending =============== - \[BOB\] *(20:45 - 21:15ish)* *Meeting opened 20:02* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Confirmation of minutes from 2020-07-09 - Minutes confirmed Circular Motions ================ Bot Motion to budget $220 replacement HDD for motsugo passed 5-0-0. Committee Reports ================= ## President's Report - It's been less than a week - New meeting time so far: not great - Happy to not be missing softball training - Went to the clubroom and organised the machine room a bunch - Have been labelling boxes! - There are lots of things to sell or throw out around the club - Some cool old things around, but are hidden away in boxes... - So many things that we do not know about - Have some emails to send out to members about the club - Online Door meeting might be on the cards - Need to follow social distancing rules in Phase 4 - Other updates discussed below ## Vice President's Report - Must See Talk of The Year - First talk: 20 people showed up - Only one attendee today - Might be good to put talks up on Youtube/Facebook for accessibility ## Secretary's Report - Cleaned lots of dust off things in the club - Keyboards definitely needed a clean - Sorted the filing cabinet (well, the third draw) - *We have a lot of things* - And a lot of cables - Has been told no one uses old patch leads - We probably want to assess our build-up of cables - *They are breeding* - Wants a shirt - Wants TEC to help streamline cataloging clubroom items - Other news: sent email to wheel@ about account locking ## Treasurer's Report - Filled in the whenisgood - Can't do nights ## Fresher Rep's Report - On holiday ## OCM Reports #### \[MVP\] - Is making do - Things are progressing with camp - Will discuss event things below - Has been dealing with stuff #### \[HET\] - Thanks for coming in on the weekend - \[HET\] is Nyet - TLA is 'no' in Russian - AWOL #### \[AAA\] - Also AWOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine Technical Reports ========================= Network stuff: no further updates currently - The main struggle is over - Some things still need fixing - Will be in contact with UniIT over the coming days ## Servers - Murasoi is now on RAILZ - Ty to first aid kit ## Network - A lil broken due to UWA changes - It passes the *screen* test - Nothing is broken that is immediately obvious - Some of the lesser used things may be more broken - Nothing is on fire ## Desktops - Keyboard cleaning happening - Are still topping desks ## Misc. - The ~IPv6~ [edit] IPv4 range is closer to being used - Drinks Vending Machine: broked - Will need fixing - Drinks Vending machine is now turned off - Needs diagnosing ... - [edit] Functional and cold on 2020-07-12 , non-functional and warm on 2020-07-13 - When it was power-cycled on Monday - it got cold... - Compressor fault? ($$$) - Thermostat? (less $$) - \[MPT\] to send an email to tech@ about this - Worst case...need to find a vending machine husk... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New equipment ============= - New cleaning supplies - Motion to reimburse MTL for printer paper -\[MVP\] seconds - 4-0-0 **Things to get:** - Need to buy that replacement HD for motsugo - Also need a few more cleaning supplies - List is on the whiteboard Drinks and Snacks ================= - Would you like a warm coke - Need a small drinks run if vending machine is fixed - /See comments from pres report about [edit: drinks] vending machine being broked/ - *\[MPT\] describes the Vending machine as a uniting force and therefore Top PRioRity* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External Entities ================= ## Mail - Need to contact Westpac about card account names - Recently received mail from Westpac about a new card sent out **Action: Executive members to ensure UCC's cards are correct** ## Guild/SOC - Got some updates from the SOC meeting - The meeting covered relevant things - **We are good to open from the 20th of July** - Tenancy \un\suspension will be happening again... - Tenancy consultation meeting to occur within a month - Feasibility study on CH should be coming from UWA at some point - *UCC awaits word from Guild* ## Other Affairs - UWA Media Team has a draft of our Media release - Waiting to hear back from UWA as to whether it is something they would like to publish - Briefly discussed desire to demonstrate value to the University directly - Cybersecurity bootcamp: could offer a unique environment at UCC for course attendees - Exec to follow up Events ====== ## TEC Talks - Two to go - Last content one next Tuesday - Q&A Tuesday week ### Tech Talks, by Jarcus - Nothing further since Thursday - Goal was to have the action item done by the end of the week... - (by Thursday) - \[MPT\] been doing *clean a few things* ## Quiz-mittees: 1 and 2 ### **CHALL:** Quiz-mittee 1 - \[MVP\]: A meeting plan exists ### **TECHQUIZ:** Quiz-mittee 2 - Discussion ongoing, but mostly postponed to 2021 ## Cameron Halloween 2019 - \[MPT\] has the documents ## Charity UnVigil Payments - \[MPT\] to talk to \[MLG\] ## Camp ### \begin{CampDiscussion} **\[BOB\]:** - Why is UCC paying for UniSFA's camp? - Incredibly rare for camps to make profit - Camp isn't targeting UCCans as there is no LAN - UCC camps started going downhill because they are overregulated - Examples given: - Regulations on alcohol - Excessive number of student leaders/etc in charge - Space might have enough room for a LAN - Recommends committee checks out Ern Haliday in person **\[MVP\]:** - UniSFA has an existing booking for the end of the year - Understanding that the offer was made in goodwill - Camp can make money - Camp can offer social connection for people who have missed out - There is a cross-over in the member base - Joint camp is not specifically one way or another - Good opportunity to experiment - UniSFA and Unigames have run successful camps - Itinerary of events has been drafted **\[MPT\]:** - There was never going to be a 2020 camp - Partly based on pandemic - Also due to losses in previous years - Would like to see a 2021 UCC camp that is our own - Does not have to be in exclusion of this joint camp - Alcohol does have a scheduled time, as with food **Conclusion:** - Campmittee to follow up on whether there is actually room to fit a few compys at camp for LAN - Advertising to happen soon also - We can make it work! - Is a good opportunity for people who have been starved of events and social time #### \end{campdiscussion} ## Relay for Life - \[AAA\] Absent - \[MPT\] had a chat with Samson - Need to make sure advertising goes out early - Attendance issues in past due to lack of knowledge of event - Relay for Life UWA 2020 is Oct 10/11 (Sat/Sun) ## Get a Prospectus - Ongoing ## Account Renewals - \[MPT\] to send a PRES email - Renewal stuff to be sorted in the clubroom Saturday also -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Items from 2020-07-09 ============================ **All committee:** - Banned members list from UCC - *\[MPT\]: We should probably make a database for it* - *Currently do not have any BANS* - To help with clubroom cleaning EMPs when possible - *Thanks to MPT, TEC, PQZ, HET* - *LCY, DBA, MTL, NTU* **MPT** - Tech Talks: Create titles, make brief descriptions - *Will be done by the end of the week* - Attend SOC meeting Tues 14/7 - *Done* - Get cleaning supplies or pass on UCC card to a committee member to get - *Will do Saturday* **TEC** - Make sure FB advertising posts for next week's talk are up (at least two) - *Done* - Quiz? - *Has been poking people* **PQZ** - Media release - *Sent draft to Media team, ongoing* - List of recommended CS clubs on UWA website - *Ongoing* - First aid certs/date - *Have not heard back from Events team re: First aid* - Facebook posts/advertising - *Will be putting up photos of upgrades etc soon* - MHFA to do - *PQZ is certified* **MLG** - Charity statement requirements - Charity Unvigil payments - Report back on grants - Report back on your holiday down south - *Is not here* **MVP** - Calendar for events? - CH-quizmittee - CH-halloween: follow up with Jackie? - Also...report back on holiday? - *Ongoing* **AAA** - Relay the relay - *Absent* **HET** - Report on the clurbroom - Ask for more tasks - *Came to the clubroom* **BRD** - Enjoy Margaret River! - *Is away* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Business ================ - We still have to budget for the big backup disks - [edit:] An initial budget motion was recorded on [2020-05-28](2020-05-28.ucc) - Need to work out how to run them now - What server to put these into - Could use one of the other (old) servers with a HBA card - Motsugo was having a fault - Them disks old - Circular motion passed earlier to get a replacement HDD *Meeting closed at 21:36* Current Action Items ==================== \[committee\] - Come to the clubroom over the weekend if possible to help get it ready for reopening \[Exec\] - Follow up with Westpac about club cards (ensure name is updated to current committee) - Banned member database (set up or plan to set up) - Reimburse MTL for printer paper \[MPT\] - To send a PRES email - Also send a TECH@ email re: uniting red force (the coke machine) - Charity UnVigil - CamperonHalloween 2019 \[TEC\] - Help MPT with the things - Streamline the cataloging process / help \[PQZ\] - Get talks up on Facebook or Youtube \[PQZ\] - Follow up list of CompSci clubs - Call Events team about First Aid and pick a date - Finish the SLT - Learn how to do the acc locking Saturday - Post social media pics for engagements - Fix dispense and membership payments (make sure they add up...) \[MLG\] - File loose receipts found in filing cabinet (have been placed in one blue folder and labelled) - Charity Statement Aug 31 - Report back on Margaret River \[MVP\] - Help work out whether mini-camp-LAN is possible -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Minutes uploaded by [PQZ] at 22:11 on 2020-07-14*