UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-05-28 ======================================== ## Attendance ### Attending - [HET] - [MVP] - [PQZ] - [MPT] ### Apologies - [BRD] - [MLG] ### Absent - [AAA] ### Late - [TEC] *Meeting opened at 19:37 AKA 7:37* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Confirmation of minutes from 2020-05-21 - Confirmed and believed to be correct Committee Reports ================= ## President's Report - Configured and installed a new server: *the Cisco* - Next step for technical things: fix backups as they are full and/or failing - A bit urgent - Will discuss some of the things from the Wheel meeting a bit later - Next Week: MS Teams meeting with Guild President/Geoff about network stuff - Network changes happening mid to late June - Committee stuff: a bit of a nothing week - Have not yet finalised Charity unVigil monies - Tomorrow is the last day of work ## Vice President's Report - Running late - *Appears at 19:58* ## Secretary's Report - Been doing math - Will put up wheel minutes in a bit ## Treasurer's Report - Has a test tomorrow and is therefore absent - Sent apologies - Also sent this report: - Been updating our books - All of our income from the last month has come from interest - That's no income from new memberships - No income from dispense (drinks/food) - On the upside: no expenses on food/drinks? - $5,758.48 in Cash Acc - $5,633.62 in the Reserve - $229.01 on the Card - Still have funds from UnCharity - Action: To transfer the funds to the charity once the exact amount is confirmed. - Wants to be on quizmittee ## Fresher Rep's Report - Sent apologies - Has a bunch of work due tomorrow ## OCM Reports ### \[MVP\] - Camp stuff: will discuss later - Work office: going in once a fortnight... -___- - Has been alone in the office... - Keen for quizmittee (*CH quizmittee*) - Keen for camp stuff - Waiting for things to reopen again ### \[HET\] - Haven't done much apart from normal Uni stuff... - Exams in a week... - Likes to say breakpoint ### \[AAA\] - Probably doing 1 of 6 assignments or all 6 assignments at once? - Forgot to send apologies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine Technical Reports ========================= ## Servers - \[MPT\]: *Points to the wheel minutes* - Ran over some examples of the ethical guidelines of what to do in certain scenarios - Upgrades continue: mostly done, a few things left to do - Backups: mostly backed okay...but they'll fill up again *soon* - The old server can only take 2TB drives - (The server at Christchurch SHS as the off-site backup) - Have a server but we need new drives... - Might also email people with big directories about cutting those down... - *Later motion passes to budget for 2* 12TB for extra space* - Couple of power outages: some things needed fixing - \[333\] helped to restart servers using 4G-backup link - New drives all put to use! - More fast storage space is good ## Network - \[MPT\] continuing to work through with Wheel and UniIT - 4G Backup Link is working: money is going to good use ## Desktops - Desktop go brrr come home ## Misc. - Account locking after Semester 1 exams - Emails likely to happen by the end of June -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New equipment ============= - Nothing new this week - We have things to get -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External Entities ================= ## Mail - Not checked ## Guild/SOC - Guild Council meeting yesterday (27/05) - Not much happening ## Other Affairs - Potential for collaboration with other clubs *\[TEC\] silently appears at 19:58 and asks if [\MPT\] is giving a 30 minute report.* *Surely not...* *Unless...* Events ====== ### Tech Talks - \[TEC\] + \[MPT\] stepping up - \[MPT\]: finding people are struggling to debug their code - Thinking some educational talks/workshops about how to Breakpoint - Basic debugging / Version Control / How to Git / Editors / Scripting - Goal: deliver a series for CS students of important things that are not formally taught - Can also link up with units offered S2: Systems programming - Could aim to be similar to the talks on 'Missing Semester of CS Education' - See https://missing.csail.mit.edu/ ### Quizmittee - There are now two quizmittees - **Sem 1:** Tech-mittee - **Sem 2:** CH-mittee - \[TEC\] + \[MLG\] for Techmittee - \[MVP\] + \[BRD\] for CH-mittee ### Charity UnVigil - \[MLG\] to send monies by bank transfer once details are confirmed - *Refer back to previous minuted value that is definitely right* ### Camp #### \[MVP\]: - *Tried to get subcommittee reps organised by the end of the weekend...* - 20th - 23rd November there is a booking at Ern Halliday Rec Camp (located in Hillarys) - UniSFA has some concerns - there are pros and cons - Believes it will be worth being apart of - Dobbed in \[MPT\] ...*it is the way* - **Need 3 subcommittee members** #### \[MPT\]: - *Likes to collect certifications* - Knows a bit about the Guild side of camp-planning - Helped organise the camp That Was Not in 2019 - Can be an Event Manager as has done Student Leadership Training - Camps need two Event Managers at all times - *Is an advocate for an abundance of camp managers* - Next training is scheduled to come up in June #### Camp Subcommittee - \[MVP\] - \[MPT\] - \[PQZ\] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Items from 2020-05-21 ============================ ## All Committee - Attend upcoming Wheel meeting *and/or* read Wheel minutes - Join Quizmittee, or don't join quizmittee - *Done* ### \[TEC\] - Call IT - *\[MPT\] called* - Git Commited to -all the talks - *Needs to make short descriptions of each talk* ### \[MPT\] - Call IT - *Called!* - *Network deadlines postponed til June* ### \[MLG\] - Square report fun time x Charity UnVigil! - *\[MPT\] to send information to \[MLG\] tomorrow* ### \[MVP\] - Report back about camp things (the ...2021 camp?) - *Done at meeting!* ### \[PQZ\] - Finish media release(s) - *Ongoing* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Business ================ ### From \[BOB\]: - Item from wheel meeting: budget $1300 for two 7200RPM 12TB SATA disks for backups machine upgrade - This helps to keep two copies of data for security purposes - \[MPT\]: *We need the drives* - Might put off voting for the decision this week as it's a fair chunk of money - *Motion later passes to budget for them* ### From \[NTU\]: - Upgrade titan to a https://core-electronics.com.au/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-8gb.html + https://core-electronics.com.au/raspberry-pi-poe-hat-official.html + case: ~AUD$200? and free up old-titan for quick-booting-DNS new-mooneye duties - Nick's proposal: to move the current one to DNS - Have released one with double the ram... - Will want to get a case and a fan for it also - Cost will be about $200 with power over ethernet #### \[TEC\]: - *Doesn't sound like a rapsberry pi with 8GB of ram...* - Might need to hold off - It's a lot cheaper than a server but...do we want to spend that $200 #### \[MPT\]: - Unsure if it's super imperative to do either - Might have to err on the side of no unless yes - Telling people we've run out of storage is bad... - Don't want to limit people's storage... - 2* 12TB is 6x what we have available at the moment - This is a good investment as it will last a long time #### Motion: Approve the request made at the Wheel meeting for $1300 for backup drives - Passed 5-0-0 - Will need to email Tech@ with the ones we want to buy - Cheapest one that will meet the specs that we want - Action \[MPT\]: to email *which ones* to buy before purchase is made *Meeting closed at 20:44* Current Action Items ==================== ## All committee: - Read wheel minutes ### Quizmittee (Tech: TEC / MLG ; CH: MVP / BRD) - Report back on subcommittee formations and any happenings ### Campmittee (MVP / MPT / PQZ) - Report back with any happenings ### \[MPT\] - Attend MS Teams meeting with Bre/Geoff about network changes - Email Tech@ about 2* 12 TB and other matters - Send MLG the information - Choose dates for Tech Talks in Semester 2 / ensure no clash with PCS ### \[TEC\] - Make short descriptions of all TEC talks to help with online advertising - Guild leadership training? ### \[PQZ\] - Put wheel minutes online - Sort out member logs on dispense - Put TEC's TEC talks up as online events - Also look into the Guild Leadership training ### \[MLG\]: - Transfer charity monies when the right info is received ### \[BRD\]: - Formally accept quizcommittee nomination over voice chat ### \[AAA\]: - ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Minutes uploaded by [PQZ] at 21:19 on 2020-05-28*