UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-02-19 Attendees: [BG3], [GOZ], [JDN], [SAS], [TJB], [GEE], [NTU], [BLZ], [captaincrunch] Apologies: [ODF], [HTL] Meeting opened at 12:33 Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting ##President's Report - "I exist" - [GOZ]: Prove it - We had the OGM - Things got voted through - Such as the new constitution - Pending approval from the department of commerce we will adopt the new committee structure - Minutes for the OGM will be sent out soon ##Vice-President's Report - Nothing to report - O-Day stuff - OGM stuff - IntroProg stuff ##Treasurer's Report - $556.31 in Westpac - $16.72 on the card - $604.21 in Guild (inc. $200 O-Day float) - Probably doing a drinks run tomorrow ##Secretary's Report - Not here ##Fresher Rep's Report - I've been at Google doing Googly things with Googlers - Back now though ##Machine Technical Reports ###Servers - Molmol chucked a hissy when Red 1 went down ###Network - Is not not working ###Desktops - The ones on Red 1 went down when Red 1 went down, unsurprisingly ###Other - Red 1 went down twice in the past couple of days - Frames is testing for overload caused by two fridges - May be faulty RCD ##New equipment - Jack Crusher the can crusher - It is outside - All our bins are now outside ##Drinks and Snacks - [JDN] is going to do a drink run today ##External Affairs ###Mail - Has not been checked - [BG3] will check it after the meeting ###Guild/SOC - Nothing to report ###Other Entities - We got an email from the president of COMSSA - They are interested in running more joint events and being more interactive - [BG3] is discussing it with them - This will probably be new committee's problem - [BG3] got an email from Nathan Lee - He is a representitive of a University Gaming Club - He would like to create an interstate League of Legends tournament - We need information from them about what they want - We need to find out if our members would be interested ##Events - Spooky Vigil - It happened - Raised approximately $230 in total - O-Day - Is tomorrow - We are prepared for it - Fresher guide and flyers have been printed - Fresher Welcome - Nothing to report - Camp - Paperwork has not gone through Chloe, so we can't advertise on O-Day - COMSSA's interest is heartening - We need to decide on ticket prices - Accomodation is now $90 per person - Three-tier pricing - $90 for UWA student members - $110 for non-student members - $130 for non-members - Itinerary discussion - OGM - Happened - AGM - ISS TF2 tournament - ISS are incommunicado - Trent has everything set up - Event is put on hold until ISS bothers to respond ##Action Items - Purchase four more chairs to replace damaged chairs before semester starts ($159 each) when appropriate - [BG3] to organize fresher welcome - Done - [TJB] to handle uncharity vigil - Done - [TJB] to do TF2 tournament - On hold ##General Business - [SAS]: Present door policy - [JCF] suggests explicitly stating that Wheel group may enter the room for system maintenance - This point will be added - Some members have asked for a non-exhaustive definition of doorable offenses - Some examples will be included in the appendix/handbook ##Current Action Items - Purchase four more chairs to replace damaged chairs before ($159 each) when appropriate - [BG3] to handle League of Legends tournament inquiry - Facebook poll Meeting closed at 14:21 Minutes uploaded by [GOZ] at 14:22 on 2015-02-19