Minutes 23/1/01 present: GMB - Grahame Bowland MST - Anil Sharma DTA - Leighton Haynes TDH - Dave Manchester ANT - Anita Mathers TRS - James Andrewartha ORU - James Devenish MTL - Mark Tearle NTU - Nick Bannon apologies: YAK - Ian McKellar TAZ - Tracey Brown opened: 5:55pm President's Report: - Emailed Guild SOC President and Guild President regarding stolen mirrorball. No response -> will talk to them tomorrow. - Ordered PIII-750 - Slot 1, 100MHz FSB - Booked projector for Fri $40 - Rounders have complained that UCC has booked Loft and not used it - this is not true, Guild believe us -> ignore them. Vice-President's Report: - Signed and submitted room renewal - Sent cheque for Floreat Hotel - Got mail from box, but left it at home Acting Treasurer's Report: - Booked O'Day stall -> needs $40 Secretary's Report: - Absent with apologies. Machine Reports: - MST and TRS did stuff with a new labtam. General Business: - Keys: - MST got keys from Mel months ago. - TDH has no idea where his are -> report missing to Guild after TAZ has seen Mel about more keys she found. - Australia Day: - GMB will get 2 cartons beer and 1 carton UDLs. - ANT organised liquor permit and was approved. - MST will try again to get Night Pass. - ORU has organised Projections. - GMB has organised projector, ORU will pick up on Thurs. - NTU and ANT will go on FAL run. - ANT proposes motion to spend <$200 on FAL Run. TDH seconds. Motion passed. MST dissenting. - MST will see about balcony. - Meet 5:30-6pm on foreshore opposite Tav. - Quiz Night: - ANT printed letter and posters. - ANT and Simon Fryers have written 2 rounds each. - Barnes, GMB and TAZ were going to do some rounds. - 6 - 8 rounds in total are needed. - TDH will see if Peter Lewis wants to compere. - TDH will get banner from XPress. - O'Day:- TRS booked stall -> $40. - ANT printed letter. - Mussel playing Quake on an SGI at the stall? - Free Cokes easy to organise again. - TRS will fix membership forms. - Need laminator. - GMB can print fresher's guides - 400 about 1 week before O'Day. - Have add user script for accounts - DO NOT TOUCH!! - MST says everything should be stable 1 week before O'Day. - Have people come to clubroom to create accounts. - TDH and DTA can't come to O'Day. - Need volunteers to sit at stall and in clubroom. - Web Page: - TRS did some stuff to fix broken links etc. - MTL suggested organising a web page night -> he will organise and advertise. - Wireless Network: - Ben and Bruden not here -> nothing to say. - Machine Building: - Need memory, hard drives, cases and CD drives. - Other Events: - TAZ can organise bowling if she wants. - DTA will organise AntiTrust screening. closed: 7pm