Thanks to Dave for writing these minutes. UCC Committee meeting shizz 27/04/2000 (My sister's birthday) Meeting Opened: 17:55. Pres's report: PAC council. Will give us up to $200 for our public speaker on Friday nights (Quinn - Mr Pizza). Need to put in grant application. Other than that, mostly apathy. Spoke to Kristy about cleanup, health and safety issues -> Mel wants her to clarify when the meeting about it actually is. Busy Bee mentioned. Grahame concurs vaguely that Barnes has better tits than Marcia. -Guild Busy Bee- is likely to be this Sunday... might usurp UniSFA easter picnic and use it as an excuse to have a cleanup: lob early, clean up, eat chocolate, clean more. VP: Can't attend cleanup, but is willing to open a can-of-whupass on the Guild, OHSE and Security dudes at the meeting. We have a reasonably good relationship with Security. Shitting large bricks at the prospect of Saturday's Exam. Secretary: Sends apologies. Tresurer: $751 and small change deposited. Apologises for not sorting out paying for the RAM - Mark has been paid & its all good. Machine report: Starfish has left the building. Tacky lighting projects discussed. Other business: Guys are going to WWDC, can pick up Morwong's RAM. I'll talk to the dude who sold it to us. Remember that we can talk to Apple about sending people to WWDC. Need UCC Events... Build your own Geiger Counter and find the Plutonium ? Zone3 night ? Observatory with Andrew? Scitech? Froggy is a voyeuristic weirdo. Meeting closed 18:40. Motion to hire trailer for Sunday by Grahame. Seconded by Yakk.